Still no sewing machine, although I am supposed to pick one up today. Instead I got my fashion fix thrift store shopping this week. Savers/Value Village had one of their semi-annual 50% off sales. I may be crazy, but I went to all four Savers in the Bay area. A friend of mine mentioned that I probably spent any extra money I saved on gas plus I had to deal with crowds of people. First of all, the gas wasn't too expensive, but the crowds were massive. However, I enjoy shopping partly for the thrill and adventure of it, and going to those four stores was an adventure. I think my favorite was the Milipitas store, because it had a rather large stash of patterns, including many vintage 70s sewing patterns (most of which I snatched up - photos to come). Also, they had a very large selection of dresses. I wish I would have taken my camera with me just to document all of the interesting people. I saw people with three shopping carts full of stuff. It makes me wonder whether they just wait til the sales to get all of their household goods and clothes, or if they resell them at flea markets or something.

The Stats:
Total Savers visited: 4
Total miles driven: 100
Total time spent: 5 hours
Total items purchased: 20
Total money spent: $64.65
Total gas purchased: approx. $17.00
An afternoon of bargain hunting: priceless