Hello! My name is Kristen. I learned to embrace secondhand and handmade goods as a child. My mother is a very resourceful homemaker, a thrifty shopper and a talented artisan. I aspire to be all of those things.
Growing up we didn't have tons of money for new clothes or home items. Our plates were all mismatched. My clothes were usually handmade or hand me downs. I remember that the only new items I got were usually socks and underwear.
For Christmas my mother would make us all handmade gifts. As a child I wasn't aware that other families made wish lists or that other children were disappointed if there were too few gifts for themselves under the tree. My mother would make or purchase secondhand a heartfelt gift that was just right. In sixth grade, my mother gave me an older Pfaff sewing machine. At the time I didn't appreciate the genorosity of the gift, because I could use her machine whenever I wanted to, but now at age 25 I still sew on the same machine.
I enjoy blogging about my latest thriftstore conquests or sewing creations. I collect vintage patterns. Most of my sewing supplies are found at the thrift store: fabric yardage, patterns, notions and repurposed items. I mostly have sewn for myself in the past, but I am interested in sewing more for others as gifts and for sale.